What I can do right now
The Department of Community Design aims for new community development by designing attractive regions that support the social system.
The students always keep this in mind, and in addition to acquiring the broad education necessary to understand the origins and issues of regional societies, they deepen their learning by visiting and experiencing various sites in cooperation with the regions.
Furthermore, we hope that while majoring in specialized fields such as public policy, local government, economics, nature, culture, diet, tourism, social welfare, social education, and NPOs, students will cultivate regional design skills by applying the knowledge and skills from these majors and develop as professionals who can take the initiative in government agencies, private companies, NPOs, etc., and become leaders of future regional society.

The Department of Community Design has a simple mascot, namely the hummingbird that appears in folk tales from the southern Andes region.
Mascots are usually expected to act as promoters, commentators and spokespeople, but we do not rely on our hummingbird to undertake these tasks.
It is therefore qualitatively different from the other mascots that are found all over Japan.
The hummingbird simply symbolizes us as we say, “Let us design a bright future together at the Department of Community Design.”
What I can do right now

The forest was on fire.
All of the animals, insects, and birds in the forest rushed to escape.But there was one little hummingbird named Kurikindi, or Golden Bird, who stayed behind.
This little bird went back and forth between water and fire, dropping a single drop of water from its beak onto the fire below.
When the animals saw this, they began to laugh at Kurikindi"Why are you doing that?" they asked.
And Kurikindi replied, "I am only doing what I can do."
(From a southern Andean folk tale)
No matter how small
If strength combines with strength, it becomes something bigger
The strength of the regions supports Japan
The strength of Japan supports the world
Why don’t we start
With what we can do right now?