
Degree Names

Department of Community Design

Bachelor of Community Design

Master’s degree (academic)*

Department of Architecture and Urban Design

Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Urban Design

Master’s degree (engineering)*

Doctoral degree (engineering)*

Department of Civil Engineering and Regional Design

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Regional Design

Master’s degree (engineering)*

Doctoral degree (engineering)*

*The path to graduate school is also laid out.

Qualifications that can be Attained

Department of Community Design

The department offers programs to obtain qualifications as a social education supervisor and a social welfare supervisor.

Social education supervisor (qualification for appointment [Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology])

In addition to the graduation requirements, students can obtain a qualification to be appointed as a social education supervisor (social educator) by completing the courses allocated to the specialized subjects of the department of specialized education, as well as the courses offered for the qualification as a social education supervisor.

Social welfare supervisor (qualification for appointment [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare])

In addition to the graduation requirements, students can obtain a qualification to be appointed as a social welfare supervisor by completing the courses placed in the common specialized subjects and departmental specialized subjects of the specialized education courses, as well as the courses offered for the qualification as a social welfare supervisor.

Department of Architecture and Urban Design

The department offers programs for students to qualify to take the first- and second-class architect exams.

Second Class Architect (national qualification)

Students can qualify to take the second-class architect exams if they earn the required credits while enrolled, in addition to the graduation requirements.

First Class Architect (national qualification)

Students can qualify to take the first-class architect exams if, in addition to earning the required credits while enrolled and fulfilling the graduation requirements, they also demonstrate two years of practical experience as architects after graduation.

Department of Civil Engineering and Regional Design

Assistant Surveyor (national qualification)

Students who graduate, having completed the surveying-related courses, can obtain the qualification to be assistant surveyors.

Registered Surveyor (national qualification)

Students who graduate, having completed the surveying-related courses, and can demonstrate one year or more of practical experience as a surveyor can obtain the qualification to be registered surveyors.